Thursday, October 20
Bike Masters Cranksgiving 2016
Our annual Cranksgiving Ride is Saturday, November 5th and will benefit the Siena Francis House. This will be a slow ride departing from the shop at 11am. Our route will take us to several locations to purchase items that will benefit the homeless served by Siena Francis House. Food will be served for participants at Bike Masters at the conclusion of the ride. Prizes available!
Arrive early for a cup of Omaha's best free coffee.
Friday, July 15
volunteers needed for 2016 Nebraska Lottery Psycowpath Tranquility Trail Tantrum - Aug 6
Please consider volunteering for a job to help make TTT a great experience for the racers!
Lunch from the food truck is included for volunteers.
There are over 30 separate jobs with time slots. You may take several jobs or the same job over multiple time slots.
Please send email to tpmbt[at]cox[dot]net for the job you would like to help with.
Thank you,
Volunteers are needed at the jobs listed below:
Wed 17:00 - course marking - flags, stakes, tape, trail paint
Will mark intersections with paint, put in stakes with tape on ground and flags through tape so non racers can ride over blocked tread.
- Dale
- others
Fri 17:00 - Move tape off ground and put flags in tread, trail paint service road
18:00 Move three or four picnic tables from farmhouse to start/finish with THOR trailer
Sat 06:30 setup at north kiosk, baseball parking lot –
cones and paint service road crossings
07:00-08:00 ride course with paint, tape to verify/fix course markings
07:00 runner registration opens
hand out bib numbers
10th TTT t-shirts for pre orders
Psycowpath T-shirts for all
07:00-09:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area
- one person
08:00 runners' race starts
08:15-09:30 course marshal, fill water cups for runners on service road at West entrance
- one person
08:30-09:30 Registration open for Junior, Cat 3, marathon
- Danna, + 2 more people
Hand out chips -
hand out bib numbers -
Day of Registration -
09:00-11:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area
- one person
09:45 Racers’ Meeting – officials – passing etiquette, runners on course, Paul's Motivator
09:45-11:00 Junior sweeper
- one person
10:00 4hr, cat 3, Juniors race starts
10:00-11:00 course marshal - till all juniors are through
West entrance off Fowler and 126th - direct juniors to north side of creek, skipping all the southhill.
- one person
10:15-11:15 course marshal – till all cat 3 or juniors are through ttf
lower ridgeline
- one or two people
10:15-11:40 course marshal – till cat 3 or juniors are through ttf
Paul's Motivator
- one or two people
10:15-11:30 Registration open for Cat 2 and 1
- Danna, + 2 more people
hand out bib numbers -
Day of Registration -
10:30 Runner awards (announcer - Ryan, go-fer)
10:30-11:30 chip return
- one person, or two 30 min slots
11:00-13:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area
- one person
11:20 Awards to Jr, Cat 3 (announcer - Ryan, go-fer)
11:30-15:00 food truck - food for sale
11:45 Racers' Meeting - officials - passing etiquette, Paul's motivator
12:15-14:00 course marshal - lower ridgeline (bring bag chair, umbrella for sun)
- one or two people
12:30-14:00 course marshal - Paul's motivator
- one person
12:00 Cat 1 and 2 race starts
13:00-15:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area
- one person
13:00-14:30 chip return
- one or two people
14:30 - Omaha Devo kids race - tentative time
Announcer - Ryan, hand out awards - go-fer
14:00 Cat 2 awards
14:45 Cat 1 awards
15:00 marathon awards
Lunch from the food truck is included for volunteers.
There are over 30 separate jobs with time slots. You may take several jobs or the same job over multiple time slots.
Please send email to tpmbt[at]cox[dot]net for the job you would like to help with.
Thank you,
Volunteers are needed at the jobs listed below:
Wed 17:00 - course marking - flags, stakes, tape, trail paint
Will mark intersections with paint, put in stakes with tape on ground and flags through tape so non racers can ride over blocked tread.
- Dale
- others
Fri 17:00 - Move tape off ground and put flags in tread, trail paint service road
18:00 Move three or four picnic tables from farmhouse to start/finish with THOR trailer
Sat 06:30 setup at north kiosk, baseball parking lot –
- Parks permit
- insurance certificate
- race course maps, on-site registration forms, table
- water table
- food table and parking marked for food truck
- registration tent and table
- officials' tent and table
- PA
- Results Board and Podium
cones and paint service road crossings
07:00-08:00 ride course with paint, tape to verify/fix course markings
07:00 runner registration opens
hand out bib numbers
10th TTT t-shirts for pre orders
Psycowpath T-shirts for all
07:00-09:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area
- one person
08:00 runners' race starts
08:15-09:30 course marshal, fill water cups for runners on service road at West entrance
- one person
08:30-09:30 Registration open for Junior, Cat 3, marathon
- Danna, + 2 more people
Hand out chips -
hand out bib numbers -
Day of Registration -
09:00-11:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area
- one person
09:45 Racers’ Meeting – officials – passing etiquette, runners on course, Paul's Motivator
09:45-11:00 Junior sweeper
- one person
10:00 4hr, cat 3, Juniors race starts
10:00-11:00 course marshal - till all juniors are through
West entrance off Fowler and 126th - direct juniors to north side of creek, skipping all the southhill.
- one person
10:15-11:15 course marshal – till all cat 3 or juniors are through ttf
lower ridgeline
- one or two people
10:15-11:40 course marshal – till cat 3 or juniors are through ttf
Paul's Motivator
- one or two people
10:15-11:30 Registration open for Cat 2 and 1
- Danna, + 2 more people
hand out bib numbers -
Day of Registration -
10:30 Runner awards (announcer - Ryan, go-fer)
10:30-11:30 chip return
- one person, or two 30 min slots
11:00-13:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area
- one person
11:20 Awards to Jr, Cat 3 (announcer - Ryan, go-fer)
11:30-15:00 food truck - food for sale
11:45 Racers' Meeting - officials - passing etiquette, Paul's motivator
12:15-14:00 course marshal - lower ridgeline (bring bag chair, umbrella for sun)
- one or two people
12:30-14:00 course marshal - Paul's motivator
- one person
12:00 Cat 1 and 2 race starts
13:00-15:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area
- one person
13:00-14:30 chip return
- one or two people
14:30 - Omaha Devo kids race - tentative time
Announcer - Ryan, hand out awards - go-fer
14:00 Cat 2 awards
14:45 Cat 1 awards
15:00 marathon awards
15:00 Teardown, picnic tables returned via THOR trailer
Friday, May 6
Our two Saturday road rides now start at 8:30 a.m.
Our regular (18+ mph) road ride, and our new moderately paced (~15 mph) Bike Masters Fantastic Fitness ride, are both starting at 8:30 a.m.
Here is one route for the Fantastic Fitness course:
Any questions, call the shop at 402.964.1080
Here is one route for the Fantastic Fitness course:
Any questions, call the shop at 402.964.1080
Tuesday, March 1
outside road only, no inside trainer sat 3/5
There will be outside group road ride only on Saturday 3/5.
Meet at Bike Masters parking lot at 9:00 AM.Wednesday, December 16
Indoor Cycling and Strength Training Classes
Currently we have three indoor cycling classes per week:

Mondays: 6pm-7:30pm
Live leader that instructs cycling, along with upper and lower body strength training, e.g. periodic squats, pushups, planks, etc., is intermingled among the spinning.
Wednesdays: 6pm-7:30pm
Video led indoor cycling.
Saturdays: 7am-10pm
Video led indoor cycling.

Mondays: 6pm-7:30pm
Live leader that instructs cycling, along with upper and lower body strength training, e.g. periodic squats, pushups, planks, etc., is intermingled among the spinning.
Wednesdays: 6pm-7:30pm
Video led indoor cycling.
Saturdays: 7am-10pm
Video led indoor cycling.
Bring your trainer and bike and join the mayhem. If you don't own a trainer, we have the JetBlack magnetic and Kurt Kinetic fluid trainers in stock at great prices.
Tuesday, December 8
2015 Holiday Open House
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Tuesday, November 17
2015/16 Indoor Cycling
Just to clear up any confusion, indoor cycling will begin Saturday, November 28 from 7am-10am, and then continue each Saturday, as well as Mondays and Wednesdays from 6pm-7:30pm.
Friday, November 6
2015-16 Winter Overhaul
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Monday, September 28
Saturday road rides roll at 9 a.m. for Fall
Ride go/no go and other questions, please call Bike Masters at 402.964.1080
In general, this is a 17+ mph ride with pace lines for about a 50 mile ride with a stop around half way for snacks.
Thursday, August 20
Jim Johnston Memorial Ride - Sun Aug 23
Register now for 16 or 40 mile ride this Sunday, August 23, 2015.
A few of us will be rolling from Bike Masters at 7 am for a casual ride to the 8 am start in Elkhorn.
All are welcome to roll with.
More info can be found at
Register now for 16 or 40 mile ride this Sunday, August 23, 2015.
A few of us will be rolling from Bike Masters at 7 am for a casual ride to the 8 am start in Elkhorn.
All are welcome to roll with.
More info can be found at
Monday, April 27
2015 TTT post mortem
It is good to review while fresh in mind for what went well and what can go better.
Hopefully, one will remember to read this in preparation for next year.
Weather: good call acting on forecast and pushing race to Sunday. We took over an inch of rain 03:00 Saturday morning, then stayed cloudy rest of day. Though high humidity, there was a 10mph wind. Concrete path was drying, thus evaporation taking place, thus tread drying.
Sunday Tread conditions: 09:30 I rode about 3 miles of trail with fat bike. Tires loaded up and had some mud on bb, F Der, downtube. The trail was too wet to ride. Ideally, would have waited till 18:00 after sun and wind to recheck.
Is there a double standard for tread conditions for racing vs non racing?
There is a different standard for racing. Given the sunshine and slight wind forecast for race day, I knew conditions would be improving. Having a slightly wet, slippery trail before the race is not as fun for the first racers and laps. But over the course of the day, over 300+ bike laps would put down on the tread. This smoothed and in some cases widened the tread. A few low lying locations where water soaked in deeply were rutted out deeper and produced a larger gather place for rain next time. But over all, having 600+ rolling pins (tires) roll out the dough (tread) produces a highway type of singletrack. Tomorrow will be the best shape of the trail for the entire year - most conducive to CX and even road bikes riding a smooth, hard packed tread.
Start loop: First race skipped Paul's Motivator and Playland, just doing the double track around the wetlands. Reason being is that we had runners still on the course and didn't want to run up on them in the Playground.
Second race, skipped Motivator but did run them in the Playland. In hindsight, we should have skipped Playground because there were Marathoners into their race a couple hours in front. This produced gaps because not everyone could get around them as quickly.
Next time: will need course marshal at Motivator, entrance and exit of Playland. Maybe divide double track into two singletracks so no collision when marathoners exiting Playground combine with faster start lap group.
Running race: didn't realize R&R bring food for runners. Had Dave P do likewise.
Four people for registration worked well: day of registration; chip person (chip man Dave!); bib number; limited tshirts. Would only need three. Danna mentioned that people were asking a lot of questions about the race that she couldn't answer.
Need to get a list of those question and have answer sheet, or race director needs to stay closer to registration.
Not having enough chips for both races produced some anxiousness for a few racers whose chip didn't return until just before their race. I know chips are expansive and the current system is still be paid off or money is being saved for a new system. I can't speak to the software user friendliness but the timeliness of results is great.
Ideally, the next system should be based on bib with disposable chip. Don't know how much more it would cost to run over current system but that would ease the timer, registration, and racers being distracted from their race.
Course marshals: for those working both (or all three) races, need to make sure that at least once they are called and visited with food or spelled so they can take a break.
There should be two marshals per location so they can talk and one get needs while other watches and vice-versa.
Smokin Lefty's BBQ worked out very well. Food is good. They were on time. They worked till the racers were done and were flexible to work Saturday or Sunday. They asked to come back, thus we were a good for them too.
Helpers were very much appreciated. Didn't take them for granted. Had comemorative tshirt for those who pre commited to help and $10 for each to eat and give business to SL BBQ. Also gave $10 to a few day of helpers to show appreciation, eat, and support SL BBQ.
Having Ryan and Roxy roll in with their supplies and race organization really makes the races so much easier to put on than in the old days. Ryan adds much value on the PA system to the racers' experience and the crowds' experience. Ryan talking instead of racing sets the Psycowpath series apart from the other regional mtb races, imo. Having helpers to help them setup and teardown is the least we can do to show our appreciation.
Hopefully, one will remember to read this in preparation for next year.
Weather: good call acting on forecast and pushing race to Sunday. We took over an inch of rain 03:00 Saturday morning, then stayed cloudy rest of day. Though high humidity, there was a 10mph wind. Concrete path was drying, thus evaporation taking place, thus tread drying.
Sunday Tread conditions: 09:30 I rode about 3 miles of trail with fat bike. Tires loaded up and had some mud on bb, F Der, downtube. The trail was too wet to ride. Ideally, would have waited till 18:00 after sun and wind to recheck.
Is there a double standard for tread conditions for racing vs non racing?
There is a different standard for racing. Given the sunshine and slight wind forecast for race day, I knew conditions would be improving. Having a slightly wet, slippery trail before the race is not as fun for the first racers and laps. But over the course of the day, over 300+ bike laps would put down on the tread. This smoothed and in some cases widened the tread. A few low lying locations where water soaked in deeply were rutted out deeper and produced a larger gather place for rain next time. But over all, having 600+ rolling pins (tires) roll out the dough (tread) produces a highway type of singletrack. Tomorrow will be the best shape of the trail for the entire year - most conducive to CX and even road bikes riding a smooth, hard packed tread.
Start loop: First race skipped Paul's Motivator and Playland, just doing the double track around the wetlands. Reason being is that we had runners still on the course and didn't want to run up on them in the Playground.
Second race, skipped Motivator but did run them in the Playland. In hindsight, we should have skipped Playground because there were Marathoners into their race a couple hours in front. This produced gaps because not everyone could get around them as quickly.
Next time: will need course marshal at Motivator, entrance and exit of Playland. Maybe divide double track into two singletracks so no collision when marathoners exiting Playground combine with faster start lap group.
Running race: didn't realize R&R bring food for runners. Had Dave P do likewise.
Four people for registration worked well: day of registration; chip person (chip man Dave!); bib number; limited tshirts. Would only need three. Danna mentioned that people were asking a lot of questions about the race that she couldn't answer.
Need to get a list of those question and have answer sheet, or race director needs to stay closer to registration.
Not having enough chips for both races produced some anxiousness for a few racers whose chip didn't return until just before their race. I know chips are expansive and the current system is still be paid off or money is being saved for a new system. I can't speak to the software user friendliness but the timeliness of results is great.
Ideally, the next system should be based on bib with disposable chip. Don't know how much more it would cost to run over current system but that would ease the timer, registration, and racers being distracted from their race.
Course marshals: for those working both (or all three) races, need to make sure that at least once they are called and visited with food or spelled so they can take a break.
There should be two marshals per location so they can talk and one get needs while other watches and vice-versa.
Smokin Lefty's BBQ worked out very well. Food is good. They were on time. They worked till the racers were done and were flexible to work Saturday or Sunday. They asked to come back, thus we were a good for them too.
Helpers were very much appreciated. Didn't take them for granted. Had comemorative tshirt for those who pre commited to help and $10 for each to eat and give business to SL BBQ. Also gave $10 to a few day of helpers to show appreciation, eat, and support SL BBQ.
Having Ryan and Roxy roll in with their supplies and race organization really makes the races so much easier to put on than in the old days. Ryan adds much value on the PA system to the racers' experience and the crowds' experience. Ryan talking instead of racing sets the Psycowpath series apart from the other regional mtb races, imo. Having helpers to help them setup and teardown is the least we can do to show our appreciation.
2015 TTT Sunday itinerary
2015 TTT itinerary for Sunday, April 26
08:00 setup finish area (North Fort St kiosk) – Dale, Danna, Ryan, Roxy, Dave N, Chris
09:00 runners' water, cups, table, trash can at west entrance/serice road apex - Dave and Eric
09:00 cones and paint service road crossings - Dave and Eric
09:00-10:00 ride course with paint, tape to verify/fix course markings - Paul, Linda
09:00-09:50 runner registration open - Danna and Jennifer
09:00-11:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area - ?
10:00 runners' race starts
10:15-11:30 runners' water table on service road at West entrance - Eric
10:30-11:40 Registration open for Junior, Cat 3, marathon - Danna, Paul, Dave P, Jennifer
11:00 Runners' food table setup - Dave P
11:00-13:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area - Dave N
11:45 Racers’ Meeting – passing, runners on course, Paul's Motivator, pre lap
11:45 Junior sweeper - Brian
11:50-13:40 course marshal – till cat 3 or juniors are through ttf Paul's Motivator - Linda, Paul
12:00 4hr, cat 3, Juniors race starts
12:15-13:30 course marshal - till all juniors are past turn to skip Southhill at West entrance.
West entrance - direct juniors to north side of creek, skipping all the southhill. - Eric
12:15-13:30 course marshal – till all cat 3 are through ttf lower ridgeline - Eric
12:15-13:45 Registration open for Cat 2 and 1 - Danna, Paul, Dave P, Jennifer
12:30 Runner awards (announcer - Ryan, go-fer)
12:30-13:30 chip return from cat 3, Juniors - ?
13:00-15:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area - Dave N
13:00-16:45 Smokin' Lefty's BBQ - food for sale
13:20 Awards to Jr, Cat 3 (announcer - Ryan, go-fer)
13:45 Racers' Meeting - officials - passing etiquette, Paul's motivator
14:15-15:45 course marshal - lower ridgeline (bring bag chair, umbrella for sun) - ?
13:50-16:15 course marshal - Paul's motivator - Linda, Paul
14:00 Cat 1 and 2 race starts
15:00-17:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area - Dave N
15:00-16:30 chip return for Cat 1, 2, Marathon - Dave P
16:00 - Omaha Devo kids race
16:00 Cat 2 awards - Announcer - Ryan, hand out awards - go-fer
16:45 Cat 1 awards - Announcer - Ryan, hand out awards - go-fer
17:00 marathon awards - Announcer - Ryan, hand out awards - go-fer
17:00 Teardown, picnic tables returned via THOR trailer
08:00 setup finish area (North Fort St kiosk) – Dale, Danna, Ryan, Roxy, Dave N, Chris
09:00 runners' water, cups, table, trash can at west entrance/serice road apex - Dave and Eric
09:00 cones and paint service road crossings - Dave and Eric
09:00-10:00 ride course with paint, tape to verify/fix course markings - Paul, Linda
09:00-09:50 runner registration open - Danna and Jennifer
09:00-11:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area - ?
10:00 runners' race starts
10:15-11:30 runners' water table on service road at West entrance - Eric
10:30-11:40 Registration open for Junior, Cat 3, marathon - Danna, Paul, Dave P, Jennifer
11:00 Runners' food table setup - Dave P
11:00-13:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area - Dave N
11:45 Racers’ Meeting – passing, runners on course, Paul's Motivator, pre lap
11:45 Junior sweeper - Brian
11:50-13:40 course marshal – till cat 3 or juniors are through ttf Paul's Motivator - Linda, Paul
12:00 4hr, cat 3, Juniors race starts
12:15-13:30 course marshal - till all juniors are past turn to skip Southhill at West entrance.
West entrance - direct juniors to north side of creek, skipping all the southhill. - Eric
12:15-13:30 course marshal – till all cat 3 are through ttf lower ridgeline - Eric
12:15-13:45 Registration open for Cat 2 and 1 - Danna, Paul, Dave P, Jennifer
12:30 Runner awards (announcer - Ryan, go-fer)
12:30-13:30 chip return from cat 3, Juniors - ?
13:00-15:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area - Dave N
13:00-16:45 Smokin' Lefty's BBQ - food for sale
13:20 Awards to Jr, Cat 3 (announcer - Ryan, go-fer)
13:45 Racers' Meeting - officials - passing etiquette, Paul's motivator
14:15-15:45 course marshal - lower ridgeline (bring bag chair, umbrella for sun) - ?
13:50-16:15 course marshal - Paul's motivator - Linda, Paul
14:00 Cat 1 and 2 race starts
15:00-17:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area - Dave N
15:00-16:30 chip return for Cat 1, 2, Marathon - Dave P
16:00 - Omaha Devo kids race
16:00 Cat 2 awards - Announcer - Ryan, hand out awards - go-fer
16:45 Cat 1 awards - Announcer - Ryan, hand out awards - go-fer
17:00 marathon awards - Announcer - Ryan, hand out awards - go-fer
17:00 Teardown, picnic tables returned via THOR trailer
Wednesday, April 8
2015 Tranquility Trail Tantrum agenda and jobs
Updated April 10 20:30
There are over 30 separate jobs with time slots. Some people take several jobs or the same job over multiple time slots.
Please consider volunteering for a job to help make TTT a great experience for the racers!
Please send email to tpmbt[at]cox[dot]net for the job you would like to help with.
Thank you,
Volunteers are needed at the jobs listed below:
Wed 17:00 - course marking - flags, stakes, tape, trail paint (see map)
Will mark all intersections with paint, put in stakes with tape on ground and flags through tape so non racers can ride over blocked tread.
- Dale with BOB trailer, and one or two people
Fri 17:00 - Move tape off ground and put flags in tread, trail paint service road
- Paul, Linda, Brian, Dale
18:00 Move three or four picnic tables from farmhouse to start/finish with THOR trailer
- Dale, Paul, Linda, Brian
Sat 06:30 setup – Dale, Danna, Ryan, Roxy,
- Dale
cones and paint service road crossings
- Dale
07:00-08:00 ride course with paint, tape to verify/fix course markings
- Paul, Linda
07:00 runner registration opens
- Danna and one person
hand out bib numbers
10th TTT t-shirts for pre orders
Psycowpath T-shirts for all
07:00-09:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area
- one person
08:00 runners' race starts
08:15-09:30 runners' water table on service road at West entrance
- Eric
08:30-09:30 Registration open for Junior, Cat 3, marathon
- Danna, Paul, Dave P:
Hand out chips -
hand out bib numbers -
Day of Registration -
10th TTT t-shirts for pre orders
Psycowpath T-shirts for all
09:00-11:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area
- Dave N
09:45 Racers’ Meeting – officials – passing etiquette, runners on course, Paul's Motivator
09:45 Junior sweeper
- Brian
10:00 4hr, cat 3, Juniors race starts
10:00-11:00 course marshal - till all juniors are through
West entrance - direct juniors to north side of creek, skipping all the southhill.
- Chris
10:15-11:15 course marshal – till all cat 3 or juniors are through ttf
lower ridgeline
- Eric
10:15-11:40 course marshal – till cat 3 or juniors are through ttf
Paul's Motivator - Linda
10:15-11:30 Registration open for Cat 2 and 1
- Danna, Paul, Dave P:
hand out bib numbers -
Day of Registration -
10th TTT t-shirts for pre orders
Psycowpath T-shirts for all
10:30 Runner awards (announcer - Ryan, go-fer)
10:30-11:30 chip return
- one person, or two 30 min slots
11:00-13:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area
- Dave N
11:20 Awards to Jr, Cat 3 (announcer - Ryan, go-fer)
11:30-15:00 Smokin' Lefty's BBQ - food for sale
11:45 Racers' Meeting - officials - passing etiquette, Paul's motivator
12:15-14:00 course marshal - lower ridgeline (bring bag chair, umbrella for sun)
- Chris
12:30-14:00 course marshal - Paul's motivator
- Linda
12:00 Cat 1 and 2 race starts
13:00-15:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area
- Paul
13:00-14:30 chip return
- Dave P
14:30 - Omaha Devo kids race - tentative time
Announcer - Ryan, hand out awards - go-fer
14:00 Cat 2 awards
14:45 Cat 1 awards
15:00 marathon awards
There are over 30 separate jobs with time slots. Some people take several jobs or the same job over multiple time slots.
Please consider volunteering for a job to help make TTT a great experience for the racers!
Please send email to tpmbt[at]cox[dot]net for the job you would like to help with.
Thank you,
Volunteers are needed at the jobs listed below:
Wed 17:00 - course marking - flags, stakes, tape, trail paint (see map)
Will mark all intersections with paint, put in stakes with tape on ground and flags through tape so non racers can ride over blocked tread.
- Dale with BOB trailer, and one or two people
Fri 17:00 - Move tape off ground and put flags in tread, trail paint service road
- Paul, Linda, Brian, Dale
18:00 Move three or four picnic tables from farmhouse to start/finish with THOR trailer
- Dale, Paul, Linda, Brian
Sat 06:30 setup – Dale, Danna, Ryan, Roxy,
- Parks permit
- insurance certificate
- race course maps, on-site registration forms, table
- water table
- food table and parking marked for food truck
- registration tent and table
- officials' tent and table
- PA
- Results Board and Podium
- Dale
cones and paint service road crossings
- Dale
07:00-08:00 ride course with paint, tape to verify/fix course markings
- Paul, Linda
07:00 runner registration opens
- Danna and one person
hand out bib numbers
10th TTT t-shirts for pre orders
Psycowpath T-shirts for all
07:00-09:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area
- one person
08:00 runners' race starts
08:15-09:30 runners' water table on service road at West entrance
- Eric
08:30-09:30 Registration open for Junior, Cat 3, marathon
- Danna, Paul, Dave P:
Hand out chips -
hand out bib numbers -
Day of Registration -
10th TTT t-shirts for pre orders
Psycowpath T-shirts for all
09:00-11:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area
- Dave N
09:45 Racers’ Meeting – officials – passing etiquette, runners on course, Paul's Motivator
09:45 Junior sweeper
- Brian
10:00 4hr, cat 3, Juniors race starts
10:00-11:00 course marshal - till all juniors are through
West entrance - direct juniors to north side of creek, skipping all the southhill.
- Chris
10:15-11:15 course marshal – till all cat 3 or juniors are through ttf
lower ridgeline
- Eric
10:15-11:40 course marshal – till cat 3 or juniors are through ttf
Paul's Motivator - Linda
10:15-11:30 Registration open for Cat 2 and 1
- Danna, Paul, Dave P:
hand out bib numbers -
Day of Registration -
10th TTT t-shirts for pre orders
Psycowpath T-shirts for all
10:30 Runner awards (announcer - Ryan, go-fer)
10:30-11:30 chip return
- one person, or two 30 min slots
11:00-13:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area
- Dave N
11:20 Awards to Jr, Cat 3 (announcer - Ryan, go-fer)
11:30-15:00 Smokin' Lefty's BBQ - food for sale
11:45 Racers' Meeting - officials - passing etiquette, Paul's motivator
12:15-14:00 course marshal - lower ridgeline (bring bag chair, umbrella for sun)
- Chris
12:30-14:00 course marshal - Paul's motivator
- Linda
12:00 Cat 1 and 2 race starts
13:00-15:00 go-fer - help officials and others at start/finish area
- Paul
13:00-14:30 chip return
- Dave P
14:30 - Omaha Devo kids race - tentative time
Announcer - Ryan, hand out awards - go-fer
14:00 Cat 2 awards
14:45 Cat 1 awards
15:00 marathon awards
15:00 Teardown, picnic tables returned via THOR trailer
Sunday, April 5
Helping Paw for Hayley Fundraiser
Sunday, May 3, 2015 1:00PM to 5:00PM
At Bike Masters 5265 N 129 St (129th & Fort St)
Bike Masters invites you to help us raise funds for a service dog for Hayley Denson, daughter of our friend and co-worker, Doug Denson. Acquiring and training this companion dog will improve Hayley’s quality of life and increase her independence.
Bike Masters has a goal of raising $500 which will be matched by $500 from Dan and Kendra Hill, owners of Bike Masters, resulting in a total of $1000.
Meet Hayley and her parents, Doug and Jill, and share a cookout lunch with us.
For bike riders, there will be three bike ride options:
- Road Bike Ride: 35 miles. Led by Dave Reinarz
- Mountain Bike Ride: Tranquility Park trails. Led by Dan Hill.
- Casual Paved Trail Ride: Standing Bear Lake. Led by Jimmy “The Fresh” Paterson.
You can make a contribution at the event or donate online. Donations are tax deductible.
See the link below:
Wednesday, April 1
mountain bike monday night ride
Standing mtb ride Mondays, rolling from shop at 6pm. We head through neighborhood to West entrance of Tranquility Park to the kiosk south of Fort St/124th St entrance, which is at the back end of the first parking lot. This may be busy when soccer is in secession.
We usually roll from kiosk around 6:10 to the North Fort St loop first if you are late and looking to catch up.
See THOR's Tranquility page for more info on the trail.
A 75 degree March MNR brought out a nice group.
The group breaks into smaller groups that regroup from time to time. First timers and beginners are welcome.
road rides wednesdays and saturdays
Standing road rides roll at:
6pm Wednesdays - fast training ride with pace line. As group breaks into smaller groups, each is responsible for finding way back to shop.
9am Saturdays - 17+ mph pace line. Regrouping around a half-way food stop. No drop sweeper.
For go/no go questions concerning weather, call Bike Masters at 402.964.1080
6pm Wednesdays - fast training ride with pace line. As group breaks into smaller groups, each is responsible for finding way back to shop.
9am Saturdays - 17+ mph pace line. Regrouping around a half-way food stop. No drop sweeper.
For go/no go questions concerning weather, call Bike Masters at 402.964.1080
Wednesday, February 25
start of wednesday night outdoor rides is march 11
Wednesday ride rolls from parking lot at 6 pm.
This is a ride as fast as you can ride, but the big group will break up into smaller pieces along the way, so it is recommended for people who want to push themselves and get stronger and faster.Saturday mornings ride rolls at 830 am from the parking lot. Usually returns by noon.
This is an intermediate level ride with pace line and 18+ mph and 50+ miles. We stop near half way at a convenience store for food.
Bike Master
Friday, January 30
tomorrow, jan 31, last day for $99 winter overhaul special
Plus parts and supplies. No more procrastination or you can pay regular price $199.
Tuesday, December 9
holiday open house party
Just a reminder that Bike Masters is having a holiday open house on Friday, Dec 12, 530-800PM.
We want to thank you for shopping here, and offer you some special benefits.
Bike Masters
Monday, November 17
indoor cycling holiday hours
Indoor cycling will continue through the holidays with a couple of exceptions:
Wednesday, Nov 26 ( Thanksgiving Eve) I will not be in the store after 5PM.
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