Monday, November 17

monday mtb ride at tranquility 11.17

The ride: Little wind. Crisp, beautiful view from the south hill. Tread was solid, not slimmy, but it felt like more energy was needed to turn the cranks.

Finally put the fat tires back on now that the stud tires are mounted to the other wheelset. Chris and I tweaked the reroute to carry more speed and closed off the old route. Suprisingly, the tread was slimmy and loading up tires and bikes - a no ride day, imo.

Ride will leave Bike Masters at 18:00. We will check out the tp singletrack. If it is still slimmy, we do some urban riding and maybe catch food and a drink.

I know some don't like night riding, snow riding, or cold temps. I encourage you to try them and enjoy them for what they are - a different and fun experience on the bike. Speeds are slower, rides may be shorter, but the change of environment is exciting - they're like riding at a new location.

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