Wednesday, November 7

It's Saturday!

I know a lot of people are planning on it anyway, but my urge to do good deeds forces me to mention it again. Cranksgiving. Saturday. Lots of fun. Lots of prizes. I want to give them all away. And food, too. I don't want leftovers.

Bring your bike, a bag and some money. I'll take care of the rest.


Biker Bob/Runner Bob said...

I'll be there. I'm pulling my son ben in a trailer and he will be participating too.

Guess I better put some gears back on that bike or I'll be having knee surgery shortly there after. ;-)

bryan said...

That's probably a good idea -- gears. Gears are good sometimes.

Make sure to mention when you check in after the ride that yours and Ben's receipts will be together. Unless he's buying his own stuff and keeping the receipts separate, that is.