Monday, December 6

12.06 mnr warmer than last week

27 degrees and little or no wind. Rode one and a half laps - about the same time outside as last week but the hands were not as cold (had warmer gloves); the toes were about the same tingle as last week. Paul was checking out a new merino wool belaclava and gloves. Along with Eric, Brian, and myself, we left the shop for the cold coast down to Tranquility. Ran into Marco at the top of the southhill. He missed the start but finished up the lap with us. This is Marco's first year riding the cold weather. Thanks for checking out the cold night rides with us, Marco. Talked briefly with Mark Mc. who finishing up a couple laps. I haven't seen him for a couple years.

Riding with the grass frozen and sparkles reflecting our light back at us from 100's of points is pretty cool.

Last year, this ride was in about 2-3 inches of snow, and a couple days later we got 6+ inches and didn't ride singletrack till March or April.

Enjoyed the ride!

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