Thursday, November 12

tnr tp tonight

from RF:
Thursday Night Ride for Nov 12 is at Tranquility! Trails are perfect and weather is awesome for November! Come on out! Meet 6pm at the kiosk/trailhead off 120th & Fort, ride starts at 6:10pm. Of course you'll need lights from the get go. Food to follow, perhaps La Mesa or Old Chicago?

1 comment:

dale said...

Though windy, great temps last night, and a good cross-section of riders. We were spread out from the start but it still looked cool seeing groups of lights here and there.

Finally got Dan out for his first night ride of the year. And there was a marathon runner out for his first time a Tranquility and first night ride. Brian started earlier and was on his third lap by the time we saw him. His bike is running well after his tuneup with some upgraded parts.

I could not get over how smooth the trail felt last night - almost like pavement. Maybe I let too much air out of my tires. 8-) All the rain and then a lot of use, I guess. Though the layout may be overly twisty in sections, I think this is now paying dividends with less erosion.