This runs on the old railroad bed beside the keystone trail north of Robert's skate park.

Nice ride on dirt for fat tires. I was going to recommend it when I notice the rear tire feeling a little rolely. Took a look and found a couple goatheads. Pulled the tube and found 2 holes. Patched them and started feeling the inside of the tire and came across a couple more pointy things. Decided to have a close inspection of the outside and found around 10 little thistles.

After cleaning them all out, I noticed the tube was flat again. Took a closer look and ended up with 5 patches.

Now I remember why I liked slime so much when I rode Standing Bear Lake. Riding these urban trails is much more fun than cement, but tubeless is the only way to avoid a leasurely hour of closely examining your tires and tubes afterwards.
Interestingly, the front Geax Sagurro had a goathead and a few other thistles but didn't loose air while the WTB Weirwolf LT acted like a magnet. Low tread and more weight than the Geax, I guess.
How many grams does each of those patches weigh? I don't care but I know it bugs the heck out of R.F.
1/100th of a gall bladder each.
You should consider running the new Stans no gallbladder kit that Doug uses.
And those patches were all on the outer circumference of the tube exacting maximum power for their weight. But if you add the holes created by the thistles, the weight of one patch can be subtracted. But then I have to add that patch back for the several dog piles I ran across. But then again, by the time I got home, the doggy doo doo was gone. Finally, subtracting for the tire tread lost riding the cement and pavement, I can take off another patch, so the final extra rotational weight gain for the ride was only three patches. I would start to figure in the chain wear, cog and ring wear, etc., but then I would be labled a weight weenie.
I'm not going to run the no-gallbladder kit Doug is using because it's not rotational weight. I want more bang per buck for my weight reduction surgery. Doug, you should have had them take your appendix while they had you opened up - you lost out on another 75 gram reduction.
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